Languages of Arunachal Pradesh Online: 2016 Update

Community-led documentation projects for the Tibeto-Burman languages Koro Aka and Hruso Aka moved along smoothly during 2016. Lexical and grammatical data collected by speakers massively expanded the linguistic resources available for both of these under-documented languages. Dr. Gregory D. S. Anderson and Dr. Bikram Jora undertook a trip to Arunachal Pradesh in February-March 2016.

A new project has been initiated with the Sartang of West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh. We also renewed contacts with the Bugun of New Kaspi village. Furthermore, massive data sets on Bangru and Puroik were collected in 2016 and are being processed as we continue to bring the previously almost unknown languages of Arunachal Pradesh online.

All the data we collected will contribute to expanding our understanding of the linguistic pre-history of the Kameng region and lead to publications on that topic in the coming years.

Learn more about the Languages of the Kameng Region.

Dr. Greg Anderson and Dr. Bikram Jora travel to Arunachal Pradesh to document local languages.
Dr. Greg Anderson and Dr. Bikram Jora travel to Arunachal Pradesh to document local languages in April 2016.
Photo by Dr. Bikram Jora from a documentation trip to Arunachal Pradesh, April 2016.
Photo by Dr. Bikram Jora from a documentation trip to Arunachal Pradesh, April 2016.


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