
Another of the Kherwarian Munda languages, Ho [hoc] is spoken in two rather distinct varieties in southern Jharkhand and Northern Orissa (Mayurbhanj district). Despite having close to a million and a half speakers, Ho is doubly marginalized in the local mindset, firstly as a low-status tribal language, and secondly dismissed as a debased form of the already devalued Mundari language, to which it is a relatively close sister language.

Ho has been under investigation by Living Tongues since 2005, with K.C. Naik as the primary consultant. The initial recordings for the Ho Talking Dictionary and Online Grammar Project were made in 2007 with Chandra Mohan Haibru serving as the primary consultant. Both of these speakers represent the Mayurbhanj (Orissa) Ho dialect.

In 2008, Living Tongues Institute Fellow Anna Pucilowski traveled to Ranchi and Chaibasa to begin a full-scale documentation of Ho and made thousands of recordings in audio and video for the Ho Talking Dictionary and Online Grammar in the Jharkhandi dialect.  Living Tongues Institute Fellow and Ho language activist Dr. Bhubaneswar Sawaiyan has been assisting Anna.

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