
Bhumij speakers still number perhaps over 100,000 but they are rapidly adopting Hinduism and abandoning their ancestral Kherwarian North Munda tongue in favor of a local Indo-Aryan variety. The Bhumij today are scattered throughout the Kherwarian area in the states of Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal.

Although ethnically distinct and their language in severe decline, the Bhumij have been wrongly united with the Mundari and the Munda (who in fact are linguistically identical with the Mundari in all official lists of languages), so their ISO 639-3 code is [unr/unx] like that of Mundari [unr] and Munda [unx]. This underscores the problems that have arisen due to one organization being allowed to corner the market on what is a language and what is not, with dire consequences for communities wrongly excluded.

Thus, while Mundari and Munda are the same language with only a local difference in name, they are each given ISO 639-3 codes, while the linguistically and ethnically distinct Bhumij on the other hand do not get one. A small fraction of the Bhumij materials we have are offered here.

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