Category Archives: Workshops

Living Dictionaries: Upcoming Webinars in English, French and Spanish

Living Dictionary Webinars

To end 2020 with a bang, we are pleased to be teaching three Living Dictionary online workshops during the month of December. We are offering them via Zoom in English, French and Spanish to accommodate the diverse community of people using our Living Dictionary platform around the world. This workshop series is for language activists and researchers who have started Living Dictionary projects with us in recent years, or are interested in starting one soon.  We will also hold more events of this kind in January and February.

Register below to reserve your spot.  Español abajo.  Français ci-bas. 

Living Dictionaries

Living Dictionaries: an online workshop
(taught in English)

Monday, Dec 14th, 2020. 6:30pm-8pm EST.
Register here

Living Dictionaries are mobile-friendly web tools that support endangered, under-represented and diasporic languages. During this Zoom webinar, we will cover these topics:

  • How to create a new Living Dictionary online
  • How to add word and phrases, audio, images and more
  • Show examples from three existing Living Dictionaries
  • Give an overview of our latest features

The teaching portion will be followed by Q&A and a group discussion. This event will be recorded and will be uploaded online within 5 days of the event.  Register here!


Diccionarios Vivos: un taller en línea
(enseñado en español)
miércoles 16 de diciembre de 2020. 11am-12:30pm EST.
Regístrese aquí

Diccionarios Vivos son herramientas digitales móviles que apoyan a las lenguas amenazadas, subrepresentadas y diaspóricas. Durante este taller por Zoom, vamos a mostrar:

La enseñanza será seguida por preguntas y respuestas, y una discusión de grupo. Este evento será grabado y subido a la red dentro de 5 días. Regístrese aquí.


Les dictionnaires vivants: un atelier en ligne
(enseigné en français)
vendredi 18 décembre 2020. 11h-12h30 EST.
S’inscrire ici 

Les dictionnaires vivants sont des outils mobiles qui soutiennent les langues menacées, sous-représentées et diasporiques. Durant cet atelier, nous allons vous montrer:

La partie pédagogique sera suivie d’une séance de questions-réponses et d’une discussion en groupe. Cet atelier digital sera enregistré et sera mis en ligne dans les 5 jours suivant l’événement. S’inscrire ici .

Questions / preguntas?
email Anna Luisa Daigneault:

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Presentation at the International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL24)

The 24th biennial conference of the International Society for Historical Linguistics will take place July 1-5 at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia.

Living Tongues Director Dr. Gregory D. S. Anderson, along with Living Tongues linguists Dr. Luke Horo, Mr. Opino Gomango and Dr. Bikram Jora will be making a joint presentation at the conference on Monday, July 1st at 12:30pm as part of the North Room Workshop: on Reconstructing Austroasiatic Syntax. Their paper is entitled “Munda Historical Syntax: What is inherited, what is innovated, what is copied?” See full abstract at the end of this post.

Monday July 1, ICHL24 Schedule. Full program here.

Continuing and expanding a proud tradition, the upcoming ICHL24 will present both renowned and exciting new voices in the many domains of the field, including methods and practices of reconstruction, formal approaches to change, historical sociolinguistics and contact linguistics.

While featuring languages from across the world, in the International Year of Indigenous Languages, ICHL24 will highlight the very diverse languages and language families of the Pacific region, especially those of Australia, mainland Southeast Asia and New Guinea. With a truly multi-disciplinary focus, the conference will also showcase new advances in computational and phylogenetic approaches to historical linguistics, and new ways of placing the field within trans-disciplinary understandings of the human past.

See conferences details and programming here.



Munda Historical Syntax:
What is inherited, what is innovated, what is copied?

Authors: Gregory D. S. Anderson, Luke Horo,
Opino Gomango and Bikram Jora.
Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages.

We argue here for a more nuanced approach to the role of contact vs. inheritance vs. innovation in the historical analysis of the word structure and morphosyntax of Proto-Munda and the modern Munda languages. Some features of Munda syntax such as verb final order clearly reflect secondary developments in Munda aligning these languages with South Asian areal norms syntactically and already took place at the proto-Munda stage, while the GEN N order with nominal possessors marked by a genitive case found in various Munda languages likely postdated that period, taking place separately in individual branches after the breakup of the proto-language. Many other features result from even later contact scenarios. Others reflect inheritances from an earlier period, aligning Munda with their eastern linguistic cousins in the Austroasiatic [AA] phylum.

Also, some features of Munda indeed find analogs in neither the languages in South Asia they are presently in contact with nor in other AA languages, and thus should be considered Munda-internal changes. Shift to Indospheric norms in the morphology, phonology, prosodic domains and the syntax has thus occurred at different times and differently in individual Munda languages, and remains an ongoing process. Thus, the overly facile explanation of South Asian contact effects in the history of Munda languages allegedly triggered by a shift in the fundamental ‘rhythmic holism’ (Donegan & Stampe 1983, 2004) of the proto-Munda language from iambic to trochaic rhythm that completely ‘reset’, as it were, the parameter settings of the language away from its putative ancestral type (ostensibly something akin to the present-day Mainland Southeast Asia [MSEA] type) towards the (present-day) South Asian [SA] areal type, must be replaced by a more nuanced approach that accepts that i) SA features have been accrued at different points in time and thus by different Munda languages individually and differently in some occasions, ii) Munda language can and do offer insights into the earlier history of AA by having better preserved some likely older features later erased in most of the languages remaining in MSEA, and iii) there are features of Munda for which neither analogs in other branches of Austroasiatic nor in other SA genetic units will be found nor should be sought.

As we shed previous constraints on the analysis of the Munda and other AA languages, we can move to a better understanding of what Munda languages are really like and how they really became they way they are, and their role in understanding earlier periods in the history of Austroasiatic. Overall, Munda languages are more similar to the other branches of AA in their prosodic and morphosyntactic structures than has previously been appreciated due to different, competing meta-linguistic filters operative on analysis within both the MSEA and SA linguistic traditions. We consider here that any (non-copied) feature/form found in any three non-adjacent groups should a priori be entertained as a possible proto-language feature/form. This holds for Munda-internal and pan-AA comparisons alike. If a feature/form is found in only two non-adjacent groups, it should still be considered a candidate of a possible inheritance from a proto-language feature/form.

Work on the historical morphotactics and morphosyntax of Munda therefore must be used to inform comparative Austroasiatic studies. Features examined include the history of Munda word/phrase prosody, morphotactics, negation, word order, case marking, referent indexing, nominal derivation and noun incorporation.


Donegan, P. J. & D. Stampe.  1983. Rhythm and the holistic organization of language structure. In J. Richardson, et al. (eds.) The Interplay of Phonology, Morphology, and Syntax, 337–353. Chicago: CLS.

Donegan, P. J. & D. Stampe. 2004. Rhythm and synthetic drift of Munda. In R. Singh (ed.) Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 2004, 3-36.

Munda Languages Initiative: 2016 update

2016 was a very busy year for the Munda Languages Initiative. Dr. Gregory D. S. Anderson travelled to India to lead community trainings, and continued weekly digital  collaboration sessions with Living Tongues project coordinator and Mundari speaker Dr. Bikram Jora, as well as Sora speaker and Munda researcher Mr. Opino Gomango. They both reside in India and have been leading field survey efforts there for several years in various different communities. The excellent results of their fieldwork are a strong testament of our vertical integration model of collaboration.

Local and international collaborators on the Munda Languages Initiative in India
Local and international collaborators on the Munda Languages Initiative in India

For the Gta’ language,  work on a Boasian three (Texts, Lexicon, Grammar) will be finished in late winter 2017, as that project comes to a close. Through a series of community training programs, Dr. Anderson and our local researchers, in collaboration with Gta’ speakers, have collected hundreds of hours of new linguistic and ethnographic data. This data will help reshape our understanding of the pre-history of the tribal belt of highland Middle India.

The Gta’ Talking Dictionary is being expanded by year’s end to include more than 5,000 new entries and 250 ethnobotanical terms. We would like to give a huge shout-out to our collaborators Budura Raspeda and his kinsmen Angara Raspeda, Parboti Raspeda, Lojkong Raspeda and Lachmu Raspeda whose invaluable assistance and patience has made this possible.

For the documentation of the Gutob language,  the project is ongoing through 2018, and Dr. Greg Anderson is collecting Gutob texts and lexicon in collaboration with Gutob speakers.

Two short field trips led by Mr. Opino Gomango to the Korku-speaking areas took place in 2016. Small Talking Dictionaries for Parengi-Gorum and Korku hare also underway.

Field surveys led by Dr. Bikram Jora in Munda tribal communities in Jharkhand yielded great results. We have made a nearly complete survey of the Birhor language and we are approaching a nearly complete survey of Bhumij as well. An ongoing survey of Ho is underway.

Dr. Bikram Jora travels to a Munda community to conduct field surveys.
Dr. Bikram Jora travels to a Munda community to conduct field surveys.

The Birhor, Bhumij and Ho communities are participating in the vertical integration model of collaboration we have developed in the region. We would like to acknowledge the excellent work accomplished by community participants such Kameshwar Birhor and Madhuri Birhor (Birhor), Gaytri Sardar and Sando Sardar (Bhumij) and Palo Purty and Rinky Purty (Ho).

Also, initial contacts have been made with Turi speakers in Jharkhand as that one moves into the first stage for 2017. Future surveys will cover the remaining ten or so Kherwarian varieties spoken across Jharkhand, northern Odisha, Chhatisgarh, West Bengal, Nepal and Bangladesh.

We have also begun surveying ‘dialects’ of Sora in Odisha. For one such dialect, Juray, in a published study by Anderson and Gomango we have re-confirmed a 35-year old hypothesis that Juray should be considered a distinct language. Two other non-standard ‘dialects’ we are investigating, Sarda-sor and Tenkala-sor, may also turn out to be separate languages, but the data are still being analyzed.

The Sora ‘dialect’ survey is led by Sora speaker Opino Gomango and local Sora activist Indam Mondal, in collaboration with local language activists Bodudev Bodomundi for Tenkala-sor, Dinobandu Gomango for Juray and Warnebik Gomango and Srinivas Gomango for Sarda-sor. (Note that Gomango is a very common title/surname among Sora people, and of the previously mentioned activists with this name, none are actually related to any of the others.)

Opino Gomango presented talks based on a joint study by him and Dr. Anderson on the status and structure of Juray at conferences in Shillong, Meghalaya, India and in Hyderabad and the XXth International Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages.

Dr. Bikram Jora presented co-authored papers with Dr. Anderson at the large-scale all-India ICOLSI conference in Guwahati, as well as at the Austroasiatic conference in Shillong on Birhor, focusing in the first talk on directional and spatial constructions in Birhor and in the second on the decline of Birhor today due to the detrimental effects of internal neocolonialism and ethno-linguistic hierarchies at play in India.

Dr. Bikram Jora and Dr. Greg Anderson travel to a conference to speak about their recent findings.
Dr. Bikram Jora and Dr. Greg Anderson travel to a conference to speak about their recent findings.

Dr. Anderson and Dr. Jora were among the invited speakers, each delivering separate papers, at the Austroasiatic Syntax workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand. A new view of the history of the Munda languages that makes a more nuanced approach to the varied influences that helped shape these languages as they moved from Southeast Asia into South Asia was presented there to a very enthusiastic reception.

Dr. Anderson gave an invited talk on the typology of Munda languages at a workshop in Uppsala, Sweden. He also delivered an invited  talk on the elaborate and varied system of reduplication seen in the Munda languages at a workshop in Bremen, Germany.


For detailed background information on the Munda project, read more here.

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Micronesia Language Revitalization Workshop

by K. David Harrison and Gregory D. S. Anderson

A Language Revitalization workshop was held over 4 days in July 2013 in Kolonia, Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) hosted by the Island Research Education Initiative (IREI) and the FSM National Dept. of Education and Special Education Program. Greg Anderson and David Harrison of the Living Tongues Institute led the workshop, which aimed to leverage new digital technologies in support of Micronesian languages. Yvonne Neth of IREI was the local coordinator and partner.

The fifteen participants in the workshop represented eight indigenous language communities: Pohnpeian, Pingelapese, Kapingamarangi, Nukuoro, Namolukese (dialect of Mortlockese), Yapese, Mokilese, and Kosraean. Language activists taking part in the workshop included Johnny Rudolph, Maynard Henry and Kurt Erwin representing the Nukuoro language; Danio Poll, Jason Lebehn and Monique Panaligan representing Mokilese; Yapese language activist Caroline Dabugsiy; Namolukese language activist
John Curley; Leilani Welley-Biza and Darlene Apis representing Pingelapese; Howartson Heinrich, Kapingamarangi language speaker; Arthur Albert representing Kosraean; and Pressler Martin and Mario Abello representing Pohnpeian.

We covered a variety of topics, including audio recording techniques, word and sentence elicitation, photo elicitation, lexicography, and building talking dictionaries. Further, the participants began building nine new Talking Dictionaries, and beta-tested a new interface that allows speakers to edit and record lexical items directly via their web browsers.

The Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages team that ran the workshop consisted of five members with the following division of labor:

  • Dr. Greg Anderson—co-leader of workshop, linguistic documentation
  • Dr. David Harrison—co-leader of workshop, linguistic documentation
  • Jack Daulton—Ethnographic interviewing and photography
  • Roz Ho—Technology advising
  • Oliver Anderson—videography

The participants were energized by the workshop and delighted to be taking part. As Johnny Rudolph, Nukuoro language expert, put it: “The workshop was a great one and everybody did enjoy it very much and most importantly…[it] guided us to see and understand the importance of preserving our languages before losing them.” Johnny continued: “As for our Nukuoroan language, I feel very enthusiastic and enlightened with what we’ve learned… I chose to move forward and continue to build the Nukuoroan Lexicon into the computer system while inserting sounds, photos and perhaps to start teaching others how to use the Nukuoroan Lexicon on the internet while holding Nukuoroan language classes in either in public school or in other special educational learning settings.”

The nine dictionaries created during the workshop currently have nearly 12,000 lexical entries, many with soundfiles, and some with cultural photos. Community members will continue to expand these in the near future, and will use them in language revitalization efforts.

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 6.31.15 PM

Link to all dictionaries:

Following the workshop, the team visited remote Mwoakilloa Atoll, a landmass of only 0.8 square miles located in the outer reaches of Pohnpei State in the FSM. Here we continued work on the Mokilese language and collected words, sentences and folk stories from both elder and younger speakers in Mokilese. These will be added to the Mokilese Talking Dictionary and our YouTube video channel in coming months. We observed and conducted interviews about oral history, traditional foodways, fishing, outrigger canoe building, and navigation technology.

Mwoakilloa represents a unique and endangered speech community within Micronesia, as the Atoll has a permanent population of under 100 people. With most Mowoakilloans living away from the atoll, the language is vulnerable. At the same time, the community has mounted ambitious efforts, including a new Bible translation, children’s books, and the Talking Dictionary in an attempt to stabilize the language. We are grateful to Roz Ho and Jack Daulton for providing financial and technical support during the expedition. Jeremy Fahringer at Swarthmore College developed nine new Talking dictionaries for the workshop. Taking part in both the workshop and the trip to Mwoakilloa was Yvonne Neth, Vice-Director of IREI.

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 6.34.20 PMJack Daulton and Roz Ho elicit and record Pingelapese words with Leilani Welley-Biza.
Photo K. David Harrison.

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 6.36.28 PMMario Abello (Pohnpeian), and David Harrison with Nukuoro language team Kurt Erwin,
Johnny Rudolph, and Maynard Henry. Photo Jack Daulton.

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 6.37.40 PMCaroline Dabugsiy, Yapese speaker, interviews with Pressler Martin (Pohnpeian), David
Harrison and Oliver Anderson. Photo Jack Daulton.

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 6.38.46 PMDay 3 of the workshop, at the FSM Department of Education. Photo Jack Daulton.

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 6.40.12 PMIchiro John, Mwoakilloan elder, interviews with Greg Anderson and David Harrison.
Photo Jack Daulton.

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 6.41.16 PMCaroline Dabugsiy, Yapese speaker, records with Greg Anderson. Photo Jack Daulton.

Howartson Heinrich builds the Kapingamarangi Talking Dictionary.Howartson Heinrich builds the Kapingamarangi Talking Dictionary. Photo Jack Daulton.

Kapingamarangi women in Pohnpei making traditional handicrafts.Kapingamarangi women in Pohnpei making traditional handicrafts. Photo Jack Daulton.

Micronesia-7Maria Matthias and Carolina Joel shelling clams they harvested from Mwoakilloa lagoon.
Photo Jack Daulton.

Micronesia-8Traditional Mwoakilloan outrigger canoe (war), built by Abram Joel. Photo Jack Daulton.