Happy Indigenous People’s Day!

Happy Indigenous People’s Day, from all of us at Living Tongues Institute! We aim to honor indigenous people every day by elevating the work of indigenous language activists around the globe. We are also dedicated to creating meaningful tools for linguistic survival and decolonization by collaborating with speech communities to launch Talking Dictionaries online.

Follow us on Instagram @livingtongues and check out our stories. We are sharing a ton of posts from indigenous activists in the Americas today.

Stuck at home and want to do something to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day? Here is an awesome online event taking place today at 6pm EST. We are not involved in organizing this event but plan to attend!

“Hosted by the Rev. Houston Cypress (Otter Clan, Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida), “Our Talk, Our Land” brings together indigenous scholars, artists, and activists to think through the ways in which the struggles for Native land rights relate to the struggles to maintain indigenous, Native, First Nations, and aboriginal languages.

This program is rich in cultural and linguistic diversity, with guests speaking about Aymara, Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe), the Ryukyuan languages including Okinawan, Runa Simi / Quechua, and the Seminole languages, including Mikasuki, and the land rights issues where these languages are spoken.”

#IndigenousPeoplesDay #indigenous #indigenouslivesmatter #IndigenousLanguages #language