Presentation at the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI)

We are pleased to announce that Living Tongues linguists Dr. Luke Horo and Dr. Greg Anderson are presenting their research today at the 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI): “Tone and Intonation in a globalized, digital world” (6-9 December 2021, Sonderborg, Denmark, held virtually). Their joint presentation is entitled “Prosody and Morphosyntax: What makes a word in Sora?”

1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI) 2021
Their poster discusses the ongoing documentation and analysis of the Sora language, a Munda language of India (Austroasiatic family). This research is part of our project “Sora Typological Characteristics: Towards a Re-Evaluation of South Asian Human History” that is funded by the National Science Foundation Linguistics Grant Award NSF/BCS #1844532 (2019-2022).
TAI - Poster sessions
The 1st edition of the Tone-and-Intonation (TAI) conference series is proudly hosted by the Centre for Industrial Electronics (CIE) at the University of Southern Denmark. Being a merger of the two former conference series TAL (Tonal Aspects of Languages) and TIE (Tone and Intonation in Europe), TAI 2021 welcomes contributions on phonetic and phonological analyses of prosody including (but not limited to) topics related to the production and perception of prosody and rhythm, the semantics and pragmatics of prosody, the acquisition and teaching of prosody in L1 and L2, and cross-linguistic comparisons of prosody.