Tag Archives: language documentation

The Linguists is now streaming

“The Linguists” documentary is streaming online now. Now’s your chance to watch this cult classic by Ironbound Films, for a small rental fee. From now until June 1st 2020, Ironbound Films will donate half of the streaming proceeds to Living Tongues’ ongoing work documenting languages around the world.

Stream here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/livingtongues


“Scientists estimate that of 7,000 languages in the world, half will be gone by the end of this century. THE LINGUISTS joins David Harrison and Gregory Anderson, scientists racing to document languages on the verge of extinction. In the rugged landscapes of Siberia, India, and Bolivia, the linguists’ resolve is tested by the very forces stifling languages: institutionalized racism and violent economic unrest. David and Greg’s journey takes them deep into the heart of the cultures, knowledge, and communities at stake.”


For those of you teaching about endangered language documentation by watching “The Linguists” in your classrooms, here is a study guide written by K. David Harrison.

He writes, “The Linguists shows people who speak threatened languages talking about what language loss means to them, and it highlights efforts by scientists to preserve languages that are in danger of dying. This curriculum unit provides resources for teaching students that language is an essential element of culture and that the loss of a language is likely to mean the loss of culture, history, traditions, values, and social identity, as well as unique grammar patterns.”

Streaming link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/livingtongues

“Festival of Words” and Dictionary Workshop in Colombia

ImageIn October 2012, Dr. K. David Harrison traveled to Bogotá, Colombia, to participate in the 3rd annual “Festival de la Palabra” (Festival of Words) in honor of the diversity indigenous languages and cultures in Colombia.

The event was organized by the Instituto Caro y Cuervo. More information, including the event program, can be found on the event website, which describes the event as follows:

“El Festival de la Palabra Caro y Cuervo en su tercera versión está dirigido a presentar la riqueza cultural de diversas comunidades indígenas de nuestro país a través de manifestaciones culturales (música, danza, arte propio, medicina tradicional), esta es una oportunidad para compartir un espacio alrededor de la palabra.
El Festival de la Palabra Caro y Cuervo es el evento más destacado dentro de las actividades que la institución desarrolla en el marco de la conmemoración de sus 70 años de existencia. La programación incluye talleres, conferencias y mesas redondas sobre lenguas nativas en las que participarán representantes de las comunidades indígenas, estudiosos e investigadores de estas comunidades; así mismo habrá una muestra artística y cultural. El evento contará también con la participación del lingüista David Harrison quien es conocido por sus estudios de lenguas en peligro de extinción.”

In conjunction with the festival, Dr. Harrison was also involved in teaching a Talking Dictionary Workshop. He met many leaders in the field of indigenous language activism in Colombia. Here are some of his photos, and the rest of the slideshow can be viewed on his Living Tongues photo album on Facebook.

ImageProf. Eudocio Becarra (Uitoto language expert) with Páez (Nasa Yuwe) team members Yesenia Rincón Jimenéz and Anania Piñacue.

Embera team recording: Angelica Maná Avila, Daniel Aguirre, Lina Tobón Yagaií


Audience at K. David Harrison lecture on digital dictionaries

Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Bogotá, Colombia